“ERRRR!” 10 Bee Stings, Wacky Comb and a Mean Hive
Bees have different buzzing sounds, that a beekeeper can use to judge the mood of the hive. A gentle “hmmmmmm” is a good sound you want to hear in a happy hive. When you do something the bees don’t like the hum gets louder for a few seconds to “HMMMMMM”. When you do something really bad you get a loud “ERRRRRRRRRR”. If you are a beekeeper you know what I’m talking about.
This “ERRRRRR” is a warning sound to the beekeeper because it means the bees are angry. Most hives do not make this sound during an inspection unless you bang a frame, squish a bunch of bees, smoke them with hot smoke or do some other stupid beekeeper mistake (yes, I’m speaking from experience here). My hive Dandelion on the other hand makes this sound as soon as you touch the hive. Open the outer cover “ERRRRRRR”, touch a frame without even removing it “ERRRRRRRR”, take a frame out of the hive “ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!”
It’s still early in the season and I have already received 10 bee stings this year, seven from this hive, one from Debbie’s queenless hive and two bee stings were from Crocus which were both my fault. For whatever reason Dandelion is easily agitated.
Yesterday after only opening the outer cover, bees descended on me and stung my leg several times. They kept dive bombing me, chasing me and trying to sting me after that, so I could not continue the inspection. I tried smoking the bee stings which usually works to disguise the sting pheromone, but it was failing this time. Luckily, Brian was there and was dressed more appropriately, as a proper beekeeper should be, and not wearing capris like his stupid wife (that’s me). He ended up doing the inspection for me. I could not get within 10 feet of the hive without being attacked by bees, even when I smoked them. I’m glad Brian is finally over his fear of bees! Despite massive amounts of smoke, the entire time the girls kept trying to sting him through his gloves.
The first few times I got stung this year from Dandelion, I was hoping it was just the bees that came in the package that were mean. I thought once the new queen starts laying eggs and the new bees hatch the disposition of this hive would change. It’s been six weeks since the package install and I’m not seeing the bees get any calmer. This hive is not on my property and I really don’t want the homeowner being stung more than she has already from this hive. I’m reluctantly considering requeening them.
Being mean is not their only problem. This hive is sucking down syrup like there is no end in sight and not building out frames. Instead they have decided they prefer to draw the comb perpendicular to the frames. In the six weeks since this hive has been installed they have drawn only 5 frames. They are on plastic foundation, and while some beekeepers like this medium, I’ve noticed my bees hate drawing it out. The wired wax and foundationless frames are drawn much quicker. The two other packages I installed the same day as Dandelion Hive are doing much better and they aren’t mean. I put one package on foundationless and wired wax (Willow) and one on wired wax foundation (Squill). Willow had a second super added last week and Squill will be getting one any day now.

What do you think? Am I judging them to quickly? Would you requeen this hive or give them more time to work it out? Have you had a mean hive before? How did you handle it? Let me know in the comments below.
Here are my hive inspection notes from the last two inspections. They are brief as I was only checking the amount of frames being drawn.
Hive inspection Notes From 5-13-12
Dandelion has 4.5 frames drawn. I got stung twice. That makes 3 stings from that hive this year. I hope the new bees are not as mean as the ones that came in that package! Four frames built with capped brood and larvae. Another 1/2 frame with pollen and honey. Burr comb was being built perpendicular to the frames on one frame, I removed it. Queen looks good. This hive has been sucking down the syrup. Yellow pollen being brought in by field bees. Pollen in hive.
Hive Inspection Notes From 5-24-12
Bees sucking down syrup. I think there is a slight dearth after all this rain. Temps warm – 69 degrees and humid. They have only 5 frames built up and are really struggling compared to my other hives. Lots of capped brood and pollen. Burr comb is being built perpendicular to the frames on three separate frames. I cut it out on 5-13 and they built even more by 5-24 which Brian removed. If they build it back again I will pull the frames they have not built and switch them with wax foundation to see if they do a better job drawing those out. Stung multiple times and chased from hive.
To see more detailed pictures and descriptions of the hive inspection on 5-24 please view the gallery below. Just click on a picture then scroll through the slide show by clicking on the arrows. If you click on the picture the gallery will close. If you are viewing this in an email or reader you may have to read this post on the website for the gallery and descriptions to display properly. Enjoy!