Media Contact:
Anita Deeley
CEO, Beverly Bees
www.beverlybees.com| 978.778.8276
Katherine Harris
Merchants and Communications Manager
Good Food Foundation | 415.447.3268

Beverly Bees Wins Two Good Food Awards for their Honey and Honey Comb’s Taste and Their Sustainable Beekeeping Practices
[January 11, 2019] [San Francisco, CA] – Beverly Bees beekeeping company from Beverly, Massachusetts won two 2019 Good Food Awards for their honey and honey combs taste and their sustainable beekeeping practices. The awards were presented to Anita Deeley, CEO of Beverly Bees, at the 9thannual Good Foods Awards at a 900-person gala in the historic San Francisco War Memorial & Performing Arts Center.

Beverly Bees Raw Massachusetts Wildflower Honey & Massachusetts Wildflower Honey Comb were selected from 15 finalists in the Honey category. The 2019 winners come from 34 states and Washington, D.C., rising to the top amongst 2,035 entries across 16 categories in a blind tasting with 262 judges held in September. The highest scoring entries underwent a rigorous vetting process to verify they were not only exceptionally tasty, but met the sustainability and social responsibility criteria required to become a Good Food Award winner. Beverly Bees’ award-winning honey and honey comb were also featured in one of the five regional bites at the Good Food Awards after party.
Each January, the Good Food Foundation organizes an epic three-day Good Food Awards Weekend for the public and trade to meet, celebrate, taste and buy from the Good Food Award Winners. These are the exceptional food crafters who top the charts in a blind tasting and meet the environmental and social responsibility standards of the Good Food Awards. Award winners including Beverly Bees can be seen at the public Good Food Awards Marketplace and the industry-only Good Food Mercantile.
For a long time, certifications for responsible practices and awards for superior taste have remained distinct – one honors social and environmental responsibility, while the other celebrates craftsmanship and flavor. The Good Food Awards recognizes that truly good food – the kind that brings people together and builds strong, healthy communities – contains all of these ingredients.
Beverly Bees mission is to help people help bees. They are a sustainable beekeeping and bee removal company that rescues unwanted nuisance bees from buildings and trees, saving them from extermination. They rehabilitate, care for and maintain these hives in pesticide free locations across Massachusetts. They work actively to increase the local honey bee population through their Host a Hive program where they place beehives on properties and manage them for their customers. They sell their local raw honey, handmade beeswax candles, beeswax skin creams and lip balms at their bee farm, select stores, online and at farmers markets and events.

Beverly Bees promotes awareness of the plight of the honey bee through educational talks to schools and community groups and helps foster good stewardship and understanding of honey bees. They share knowledge about sustainable, organic and treatment free beekeeping on their beekeeping website www.beverlybees.com.

Honey bees around the country are struggling in modern society. Pesticides, diseases, lack of forage and pests are weakening the nation’s honey bees and putting the country’s food supply at risk. “We are a small but very busy organization that works hard every day to save Honey Bees wherever we are able.”says Anita Deeley, CEO of Beverly Bees.
Beverly Bees’ honey is pure, raw, unheated and unfiltered – just the way nature intended. Since it is unfiltered, it retains all the pollen, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and beneficial enzymes. Since it is never heated, all its natural enzymes remain intact. Heating honey over a certain amount kills its healthy enzymes. The bees are managed using organic and sustainable beekeeping practices and no harsh chemical pesticides, essential oils or antibiotics are used inside the hive at any time. Their hives remain stationary and each colony’s honey is spun and bottled separately. This unique microbatch process allows you to taste the variety of flavors in honey from different locations and floral sources.

“Today’s customers are looking for healthy, locally produced food products, that preserve all the qualities that nature provides without pesticides, chemicals, antibiotics, and are produced sustainably, giving back to the environment” says Anita Deeley, CEO of Beverly Bees. “We are proud to be honored this year by the prestigious and highly coveted Good Food Awards, and we offer our customers Honey and Honey Comb produced with our unique honey beekeeping expertise.”
For more information about Beverly Bees or to purchase their honey visit https://www.beverlybees.com or contact them at beverlybees@gmail.com. For more information about the Good Food Awards or events visit https://goodfoodfdn.org.
