Online Beginner Beekeeping School


Online Beginner Beekeeping School

Become a beekeeper after taking this beginner beekeeping school from the comfort of your own home!

Learn what you need to get started in beekeeping and get you hive up and running this year!

Sign up today and start beekeeping this year!

    • Includes a full beginner beekeeping curriculum saved in a private portal for you to access at your own pace. 
    • Includes 7 lessons with Anita and Brian Deeley owners of Beverly Bees as well as 7 online lessons with quizzes to complete.
    • Includes a private facebook group for asking questions.
    • Example Class 1 – Intro to Beekeeping below. Online Lessons are available in the portal upon purchase.


Online Beginner Beekeeping School

Become a beekeeper after taking this beginner beekeeping school from the comfort of your own home!

Learn what you need to get started in beekeeping and get your hive up and running this year!

Start at anytime.

Class lessons include the benefits of keeping bees, how to get started, how to select and set up a bee hive, how to obtain bees and equipment, what equipment do you need and where to get it. Learn about bee biology including the lifecycle of bees, bee anatomy, roles in a bee colony, parts of a beehive, how to put together a beehive and build a frame, how to paint a beehive, how to inspect a beehive, how to manage a beehive throughout the season, how to manage pests in your hive including varroa mite, how to maintain your bee colony, how and when to feed bees, how to manage bees in the spring, summer and winter, how to monitor the health of a bee hive, how to harvest and extract honey, how to get hive products such as beeswax, bee pollen and propolis, how to prevent swarming, how to capture a swarm, how to split a hive, how to requeen a hive, how to install a package of bees and more!

Sign up today and start beekeeping this year!

    • Includes a full beginner beekeeping curriculum saved in a private portal for you to access at your own pace. 
    • Includes 7 lessons with Anita and Brian Deeley owners of Beverly Bees as well as 7 online lessons with quizzes to complete.
    • Includes a private facebook group for asking questions.
    • Example Class 1 – Intro to Beekeeping below. Online Lessons are available in the portal upon purchase.