Dandelion Hive
This is a new hive in the apiary named after the Dandelion flower and it’s importance as a spring food source for bees. Dandelion pollen is very nutritious for bees and one of the most important for brood rearing. It’s a yellow orange color and is available for the bees to forage in April and May.

Dandelion Hive started from a package, originating in Georgia, on April 14, 2012 and was put into a 10 frame Langstroth hive using deep supers, wooden frames and plastic pierco foundation. This is an outyard hive in a suburban backyard.
Below are the list of posts detailing the history of Dandelion from the beginning.
- Three New Packages of Bees And Crocus Hive
- Picking Up The Package Bees
- Installing Package Bees In Dandelion Hive
- It’s Queen Cage Removal Time!
- Drawing Wax And Building Wonky Comb – Dandelion Hive Check 4-27-12
- “ERRRR!” 10 Bee Stings, Wacky Comb And A Mean Hive
- Plastic Foundation Is Banned From My Apiary
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