How To’s

Ahhh Mites! Treating For Varroa Destructor

Those blood sucking, drone thirsting, parasitic, bee vampire creatures. See that reddish-purple circle on the back of my bee?  That’s a parasitic mite called Varroa destructor. It’s a nasty blood lusting, bee version of bedbugs and every hive in America is infested. These parasitic things suck the life out of […]

Inspecting The Two Queen Hive System

And the flight of the bumble bee. Inspecting the hive in a two queen system is a bit complicated.  It is similar to opening two beehives at the same time and leaving them both open while you work.  It takes up more space then a normal hive inspection and makes […]

Processing Beeswax From Honeycomb

Cutting Comb Is A Sticky Gooey Mess, But Processing It Is Fun! After I cut the burr comb out of my hive, I was left with a sticky gooey mess.  There was honey leaking from my hive (which the bees fixed the next day) and a cookie sheet full of […]